Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Design Patterns

I'm not really sure when it happened, but the folks in the Coldfusion community have begun speaking a completely different language. Brian Kotek has a post announcing his release of a Transfer Decorator Bean Injector Observer. Yikes! That's a mouthful, and it gets even worse as you read the post. Most of the concepts talk about a few different design patterns. Thanks to Head First Design Patterns, I have started down the track of learning about design patterns. However, there is still a lot in Brian's post to wrap my head around for a design pattern noob, like I.

There is one thing I've definitely learned lately, it hurts to try and expand your knowledge in an unfamiliar area, but it hurts even more if you don't.

1 comment:

Mathias said...


I knew u were into webprogramming...
just not THAT much =D

I found an old mail of yours (from which I reached this blog, btw) and sent u a message. I hope it still works.

Less important than the subject in it, I´m eager to hear some news from you. Make sure to send me some report about how you´ve been doing at mathiaspw@ibmecsp.edu.br

Anyway, hope u got the mail.

From your old UTO-friend,
